Our Nurture service is split into two distinct services:
Complex Needs Service (EBD): Our Complex Needs homes offer single or mixed gender placements for children aged between 11 to 18. These homes are 4 or 5 bed homes with a minimum of 1:1 staffing levels. The homes offer onsite education and clinically informed therapeutic support.
Forensic (EBD): Our Forensic homes offer single or mixed gender placements for children aged between 11 to 18. The homes are two, three or four bed homes with a minimum of 1:1 staffing levels. The homes offer clinically informed clinically therapeutic support.

Our homes
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Giving children and young people their lives and independence back

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Oasis aims to support children with emotional behavioural difficulties or forensic backgrounds, many of whom will have experienced breakdown in previous placements. All Oasis homes are small, 3 bed homes, operating a trauma informed model of care, ensuring our young people feel emotionally safe and are able to build trusting relationships.

Hive is a cluster of therapeutic residential care homes, specialising in sexual trauma, including CSE, CSA and HSB. All adults are trained in a trauma informed model of care , ensuring that every interaction has therapeutic intent. We offer children and young people a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) support programme to enable them to succeed and achieve.