
Working in close partnership, Your Chapter is dedicated to providing local authorities with a simple, transparent and cohesive referrals process, linking through to quality care provided by our specialist teams.

Your Chapter is committed to working with and supporting local authorities and healthcare professionals. Our dedicated and highly trained staff will ensure children receive expert care, every step of the way – making a positive difference to young peoples’ lives through outstanding personalised care is at the heart of everything we do.

Our referral team work meticulously with local authorities to deliver expert, personalised care to children and young people where safety comes first.

High Quality Residential Homes

Your Chapter has over 20 specialist, high-quality residential children’s homes across England and Wales that support young people with a range of complex and high acuity needs.

Commitment to quality care

Our approach to care ensures that young people get the right care, at the right time and from the right team, the first time round. Your Chapter offers children and young people a safe environment where our care is personalised to the individuals that we support – we work with them and professionals to design a care plan that’s tailored to their goals.

This approach ensures that young people get the right care, at the right time, the first time round – which reduces re-admissions to other settings, facilitates faster returns to lower-cost community living and brings an end to the cycle of failed placements.

Scroll down to read more about what makes us an outstanding provider of choice.

Your Chapter is a provider of specialist residential care for children and young people living with a range of challenging behaviour.

Our high staffing levels are determined by each young person’s individual needs. This enables us to work at their own pace and build trust, provide support with all aspects of their life and ensures the safety and welfare of everyone living in the home, which leads to improved person-centred and longer-term outcomes.

Many of our homes are rated ‘Good’ and ‘Outstanding’ by the Ofsted and Estyn, and we have a dedicated in-house Quality and Compliance Team to ensure quality and drive continuous improvement.

Finding the right residential home for children can be difficult. Not all services have the right facilities and expertise to meet young people’s complex needs, particularly those who display behaviours of concern, which can often lead to placements failing. This causes significant distress for individuals, as well as increasing the cost to the local health and social care system.

At Your Chapter, we have the right experience, skills and staffing levels to provide the specialist care required to support children and young people. Our high quality therapeutic approach ensures that young people get the right care, at the right time, the first time round. This avoids the distress experienced by young people when their placement breaks down, as well as reducing re-admission and decreasing the cost of care to commissioners.

Our workforce is our biggest asset, which is why we invest in them. We put our values at the heart of our recruitment and retention, and we have a strong learning and development culture from induction to CPD, as well as a robust health and wellbeing programme.

Get in touch

To find out more about our homes or make a referral, please:

Call our Referrals Team: 0161 483 1505
Email our Referrals Team:
Fill in the online referral form below

    You may wish to visit our Careers or Vacancies page for more information about working with us